Musicological and ceramological researches:

An essential association APEMUTAM
(Association for study of music and technics in the medieval art)

The French association APEMUTAM joins at specialized searchers about music and technics in the medieval art. These searchers collaborate on sculpted and painted iconography, instrumental making, organology, interpretation of sculpted programs , musical archaeology , philology, musical ceramology , art history , ethnomusicology.
Its website offers yet published articles and describes its activities and projects. This association is opened to all searchers on the subject.

Research in French midi-pyrénées The GRECAM (Research group in Ethnography, Ceramology, Archaeology in Midi Toulousain and Gascogne) The purpose of GRECAM is to favor the research about the material culture especially pottery. Its review, La Grésale, give access to the searchers works for all who want to know the regional pottery from the 16th till the 20th century.
La cornemuse Le site de Jean Luc MATTE est le site de référence sur la cornemuse, autre instrument dont l'origine plonge dans le plus lointain passé. Vous y trouverez aussi une passionnante typologie des instruments à vent selon le mode de production des notes.
Les instruments de musique au Moyen-Âge Un site d'une grande richesse sur la musique médiévale et les instruments de musique au Moyen-Âge. Son auteur partage avec générosité sa connaissance et sa passion du sujet résultat de nombreuses années de recherche.
Archéologie et ethnologie en Limousin ArcheA (Association pour la Recherche Historique, Ethnographique et Archéologique du Limousin et Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin) présente ici ses recherches archéologiques et historiques sur le Limousin. Articles en ligne, bibliographie, publications... Un site remarquable, une information scientifique de qualité.

Web sites about the whistles:

Italie MUSEO DEI CUCCHI Italian site about the clay whistles. This web site gives a good idea of the vitality of the Italian creation of clay whistles.
The Netherlands The web site of
Wim is a Dutch whistle collector. His site (Dutch and English) presents his collection and shows the important variety of types and shapes of the whistles especially for the plastic whistles that can be seen as the modern clay whistles.
Israël Avner Strauss' blog
Collector, whistle enthusiast, Avner presents a high variety of his more interesting whistles in this blog.